Homework p1, 3 and 5

Answer the following questions using the textbook/review book/and notes

1) The Industrial Revolution began where? when? What natural resources were available that allowed the Industrial Revolution to start where it did. (try to name 4)

2) What are some of the direct effects of the Industrial Revolution  (list at least 4…there are many many more)

3) What is agglomeration? Give an example.  Explain why degglomeration can occur.

4) What is deindustrialization and why does it occur? What is the Rustbelt? Where is it located?

5) Give the definition and examples of Bulk gaining and bulk-reducing industries (at least 2 for each)

6) What is a Break of Bulk Point?  Give an example?

7) What is Outsourcing and Why do companies choose to do it?

8) What are the four tigers? What are the BRICS? What are the NICS (Newly  Industrialized Countries)

9) What is a footloose industry, and what is an example of one.

10. What is a growthpole (sometimes called a technopole) and give at least 2 examples of them.

Development Questions: *(use chap 9 of white book to help)

  1. Define HDI – and explain what factors the UN selects for measurement in it.
  2. HDI rankings tend to be highest in countries typically in which region? Lowest? `
  3. According to the textbook, give one example of a country with a high HDI and one country with a low HDI.
  4. What does GDP measure?
  5. Explain Value Added manufacturing
  6. Explain the relationship between the 30 degree North line of latitude and development of countries
  7. What does GDI measure, and what does it penalize a country for?
  8. What does GEM measure and how is it calculated?
  9. What countries are the highttest GEMS? Lowest?
  10. Why was Fair Trade proposed by the international community?
  11. What region’s products (and include the products found there) are likely to be Fair Trade