Unit 3 Chapter 5 Language Vocabulary List

Vocab for chapter 5 (language) white book

Format –   Word, Definition, Picture or examples.  SAME AS CHAPTER 4 VOCAB!


  1. Language
  2. Literary Tradition
  3. Official Language
  4. Dialect
  5. Isogloss
  6. Standard Language
  7. British Received Pronunciation
  8. Language Family
  9. Language Branch
  10. Language Group
  11. Ethnologue (look this one up if you have to)
  12. Creole Language
  13. Proto-Indo-European Language
  14. Extinct Languages
  15. Endangered Languages
  16. Revived Language
  17. Walloons
  18. Flemings
  19. Isolated Language
  20. Basque
  21. Lingua Franca
  22. Pidgin Language
  23. Ebonics
  24. Franglias
  25. Spanglish
  26. Denglish
  27. Toponym (you might need to look this one up)
  28. Language Tree

Words will be in the White textbook – in chapter 5 (unless otherwise noted).  Format: Number of Word/ Word/ definition/picture Or example.